Anthony Latella Portfolio

Anthony Latella Portfolio


After not even looking at a camera for nearly 30 years, my daughter came home with a Nikon digital camera, and guess who unpackaged it?  Your right, I fell in lover with photography all over again.  Because of this journey, I have developed friendships in one camera club and two art groups.  I treasure each one of these friendships and very grateful for the encouragement, instruction and guidance in helping me sharpen my skills. 

My travels over the past three years has taken me to Baltimore and Annapolis, Maryland, Erie, PA, Sandusky and Put ‘N Bay, Ohio and most recently Rehoboth Beach, DE. I am hoping to plan a trip to Maine and the New England states in the near future.  When I am not traveling you might see me visiting any one of many local car cruises in the spring and summer.  It is remarkable the interest that this camera creates.  I am thankful.

Work Samples