Stevo Sadvary

Our November 4 ESAL meeting will take us on the path in Stevo Sadvary’s life that has led him to becoming a full time mosaic artist.  We will join him in his Squirrel Hill studio as he enlightens us on the vast variety of creative works in which he engages.  Here is a summary of the facets of this versatile artist and his interesting bio:

“A passion for art and pleasing clients.” That’s what makes Stevo so Stevo-licious. Whether dreaming up whimsical weavings or piecing together magnificent mosaics, Stevo is the rare artist who manages to be both highly creative and very accessible.

Stevo Sadvary, who grew up in Washington county and studied weaving and textiles at Edinboro University and Information Science at the University of Pittsburgh, has lived in Pittsburgh since 1989.  And his creativity bubbles over into all sorts of other interesting areas, from painting to songwriting to web designing.

Yet Stevo’s enduring fascination with tile and glass forms the real body of his work – and his success.  He has completed numerous private mosaic commissions ranging from kitchen backsplashes, floors, showers, house number plaques, and fireplaces to pet portraits, schools, corporate lobby art, and commercial signage – in areas ranging from Puerto Rico to Florida and Maryland.  Stevo’s spirited nature is also evident in his many public art pieces throughout the Pittsburgh area.

For several years, Stevo’s name was on a commercially popular, signature series of hand-knit sweaters. His tapestries, scarves, knit hats and hand-woven rugs add color and texture to the lives of many customers.

Like the artist himself, Stevo’s work is fun, yet stylish. Creative, yet professional, his joy in creating distinctive pieces is always balanced by his sensitivity to clients. These qualities, little by little, bring Stevo closer to his self-confessed goal: “Making the world a happier place.”  He is a true genius matching unusual color combinations together in his mosaics and fiber art.  They appear to dazzle with life and joy.

When Stevo is not working on commissioned art he keeps busy in his Squirrel Hill studio.  Serving as both production workshop and showcase gallery, the studio is a magnificent light-filled space located on the uppermost floor of the landmark Morrowfield building’s parking annex. This is where Stevo has pieced together many mosaic motifs in glass: mirrors, fish, flowers, still-lifes, abstracts, trains, sailboats, icons, nursery art, flower pots, trivets, tables, butterflies, Pittsburgh bridges, stars and suns.  Most of this work is displayed on his website,


Painting with Marci Mason

Exploring Painting with Marci Mason at the October 7 ESAL meeting.

No matter what medium you might choose, Marci will open your eyes to making the two dimensional page come to life in simple three dimensional shapes!  We will  once again welcome Marci Mason, award winning artist and talented instructor for a live painting demonstration. 

Her demonstration is entitled, “Three Pears Still Equals Three”.  Viewers may simply watch the magic unfold or prepare ahead and paint along with the master.  Those who chose the latter will need the following materials:

colors needed….sap green, cadmium yellow, cerulean blue, burnt umber, cadmium red, black and white.

Sketch the perimeters of the pears and spoon on a quarter sheet of watercolor paper.

We will also use table salt.

Marci says, “Join us for this live zoom class and paint a great fall fruit picture. I’ll show you how to make the pears look like you can pick one up to eat and a few simple brush strokes make a spoon shine!”

Becky Sciullo Sept 2021

ESAL members will gain great insight from our presenter, Becky Sciullo of Artisan Advantage, at the upcoming ESAL meeting.  Becky will enlighten us as to ways to receive recognition and appreciation for the wide variety of works of art we members create.  She has outlined the following topics she will cover during the zoom presentation on Thursday, September 2, 2021, at 7:00 pm.

Tom Gallovich

We are in for an informational treat this month as our own tech guru, Tom Gallovich, expands our knowledge with a fascinating demonstration of Digital Drawing techniques.   As he will point out, these programs, including the digital watercolor programs, amazingly mimic the actual watercolor and art experiences.
He will enlighten us with a discussion of some of the cutting edge programs available on the market and demonstrate their amazing capabilities.  Tom is eager to demonstrate the possibilities of the newly released program, Rebelle 4, that is easier to use than Photoshop and that can produce amazing finished art works.