October Guest Artist Brandon Lacina
Trafford-Digital - Computer Repair - Imaging Services
ESAL’s October 1 Zoom Presentation Featuring Brandon Lacina, Founder of Digital Trafford
ESAL’s October 1 Zoom presentation is sure to be an informational treat for its members on many counts. Digital Trafford is a gem in the local area, offering valuable services for artists and photographers, expert computer related sales and support, large format and archival printing, and much more.
Its owner and founder, Brandon Lacina, has been an important presence in Trafford, conducting his thriving business for eight years. Brandon is a supporter of many community projects and a participant in numerous art and photo contests, including one displayed in the visitors center at Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater.
Listed are some examples of Imaging Services available at Digital Trafford – 8mm & 16mm Reel to Reel film transfer to archival grade DVD’s or computer formats; VHS & other cassette tape transfers, film negative slide scanning as well as original 4×6’s to 8×10 photo scanning; art work digitizing services including over sized prints; printing to archival grade Giclee worthy photo papers and linen canvas materials with 100+ year archival warranties. Canon Program 4000 is the primary work horse used as well as an Epson r2000 series for smaller prints.
The following is a sample of the Computer Services available at Digital Trafford: building custom desktops, laptops and servers for home use, professional use in business & governments including all IT services required to repair and maintain systems. Also included are hard drive recovery services, data migration, software repairs and management, as well as website development using WordPress.
Brandon and his wife just welcomed their new son into the world in August and we now look forward to welcoming Brandon as part of our October 1 ESAL Zoom meeting.

Our presenter from the October meeting was Brandon Lacina, owner of Digital Trafford. He gave an in-depth presentation of his imaging and computer services, including Giclee prints on canvas, satin or lustre papers, prints on metal, archival prints, and reformatting of old VHS tapes. Services also include same day shipping of prints, file storage for reprints, bulk rate discounts, photo editing, ability to scan slides, (no outsourcing of any work) and in-shop photography of original work for prints. ESAL members get 50% off any order before October 31st, 2020 and one free print up to 13×19 inches. Brandon encouraged customers to get their Christmas orders in soon, and to check his website @ www.digitaltrafford.com for new pricing and featured artists. Store hours in downtown Trafford are Monday-Friday 11:00 am to 7:00 pm, weekends by appointment. Call 412-818-7587 or stop in at 430 Brinton Avenue, Trafford, PA 1508