ESAL members' creativity shines
From an article posted in the Trib Live by Mary Pickels dated Sunday, August 20, 2017 about ESAL’s Show at CCAC Boyce Campus during August, 2017:

Joseph Scobel of New Kensington received a Judges Award for his photograph, "Yellow Towel", at the East Suburban Artists League members' show.
Four area residents were recognized with awards for their art work during the recent East Suburban Artists League members’ show.
Joseph Scobel of New Kensington received a Judges Award for his photograph, “Yellow Towel.”
Judges Mentions went to Lynn Jacques of Lower Burrell for her mixed media entry, “Bright Bouquet”; Meredith Lauffer of New Kensington for her photograph, “Twisted Sisters”; and Myla Pearce of New Kensington for her mixed media entry, “Pinfeather.”
The members’ show is currently displayed in the entrance hall of the Community College of Allegheny County Boyce campus in Monroeville and runs through Sept. 1, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
Seventy-four pieces are on display, including watercolors, photography, acrylic, oils, pastels, ink, drawings, mixed media, fine craft and fiber.
Many works are available for purchase, show coordinators say.
Larry Brandstetter of Monroeville took Best of Show at the Aug. 5 opening for his whimsical illustration, “Greenback Mackerel.”
Additional recipients of Judges Awards are Judy Bazzone for her watercolor, “Calla Lillies”; Jan Fiorina for her photograph, “Reflections”; Jan Landini for her watercolor, “Words with Friends”; Pamela Price for her watercolor, “Addie and Santa”; and Norma Rowley for her photograph, “Through the Eyes of Love.”
Judges’ Mentions recipients include Nancy Dalverny for her oil, “Contemplation”; Steve Frost for his photograph, “Gold Rose”; Barbara Jewell for her watercolor, “Lean on Me”; Dorothy Lamuth for her watercolor, “Dragonfly Batik”; Bob Patterson for his photograph, “Path in Fall”; Gordon Sarti for his photograph, “One Tree B/W”; and Evelyn Turocy for her watercolor, “Arizona Aspens.”
A nonprofit association of artists from communities in Allegheny and Westmoreland counties, ESAL meets monthly in Murrysville September to June to foster arts and crafts and to educate, inspire and encourage area artists and patrons. Meetings are open to the public.
Mary Pickels is a Tribune-Review staff writer. Reach her at 724-836-5401 or or via Twitter @MaryPickels.
[More about ESAL can be found at their website at]
A list of entries, prices and award winners can be found HERE.