East Suburban Artists League plans reception for Monroeville show

Bob Bickers and Diane Bickers arrange some of the artwork to be hung in the East Suburban Artists League's June show on June 1, 2017. The show at the Monroeville Library's Gallery Space runs through June 26. / Photo by Lillian Dedomenic for the Tribune Review

Joyce Frost and Joy Anglin, president of the East Suburban Artists League, admire the wooden frame Steve Frost, Joyce's son, shown at right, hand-carved for his entry in the June show at the Monroeville Public Library's Gallery Space. Joyce Frost is an active ESAL member who submits entries in the photography division for shows. The Monroeville show runs through June 26, 2017. / Photo by Lillian Dedomenic for the Tribune Review
The East Suburban Artists League has been displaying its members’ work at locations in Allegheny and Westmoreland counties for years.
But this month’s show is the league’s first exhibition at the Elaine Biondi Gallery Space at the Monroeville Public Library. [Correction: this show is actually ESAL’s sixth exhibit at the gallery Space since 2000. This show was to be the first of annual exhibits by ESAL at the Gallery Space. -Bob Bickers]
Visitors will get to meet the artists on Saturday, June 10, during a reception to kick off the exhibition that runs through June 26.
“There will be refreshments and those that come, they’ll vote on best of show” along with first, second and third place awards in three categories, said Betty Trout, ESAL’s publicity chairwoman.
Awards won’t be monetary, she said. Instead, winners receive ribbons.
Art will be available to view and purchase until June 26, during regular business hours at the library.
Those in the league are excited.
“This is a chance for members to show their best artwork,” said Bob Bickers, an ESAL member. “Each member puts one thing in, so it’ll be pretty eclectic.”
Kim Frankenfield, the library’s gallery manager, said she’s looking forward to seeing the variety of works in this year’s show. “Yeah, I think it’s going to be very fascinating. There’s going to be sculpture, photography, I think some calligraphy,” Frankenfield said. “I’m excited to see what the artists are bringing in.”
Trout said ESAL is comprised of 78 artists from Allegheny and Westmoreland counties. The artists range in levels of experience because the nonprofit invites anyone to join.
Those interested in becoming members are encouraged to visit the organization’s website or attend a meeting. The league meets on the first Thursday of each month.
“This gives you a chance to associate with other artists, bolster your confidence,” Bickers said. “Some art leagues, you have to be juried to get in. So this is a good place to get your feet wet.
“It’s open to anybody, we’re an extremely inclusive organization.”
Dillon Carr is a Tribune-Review staff writer. Reach him at 412-871-2325, dcarr@tribweb.com or via Twitter @dillonswriting.
[More about ESAL can be found at their website at ESALart.org]

A price list for this exhibit can be found HERE. The results of ballots cast by those attending the Opening Reception on June 10th are as follows:
- Best of Show – Meredith Lauffer – Shy Sea Lion – Photograph
- First Place for Paintings – Dot Lamuth – Golden Angels – Watercolor
- Second Place for Paintings – Pamela Price – Capturing the Moment – Watercolor
- Third Place for Paintings – Nancy Dalverny – Pals – Oil
- First Place for Photography – Jan Fiorina – Camouflage – Photo
- Second Place for Photography – Steve Frost – Pods – Photo
- Third Place for Photography – Christine Patterson – Wolf in Pine – Photo
- First Place for 3D & Other – Lane Neff – Snowy Owl – Fiber
- Second Place for 3D & Other – Nicole Chmel Brown – Sequence of Rings – Mixed Media
- Third Place for 3D & Other – Lynn Jacques – Irish Blessing – Mixed Media