East Suburban Artists League show to start Aug. 5 in Monroeville
From an article posted in the Trib Live by Christine Manganas dated Monday, July 31, 2017:

A display of the art at the 2015 ESAL annual art show at the CCAC Boyce Campus. FILE PHOTO.
Penn Hills resident Arlene Holtz has done acrylic painting for a long time, but a little more than a year ago she switched from realistic artwork to abstract.
“It creates a situation where I can expand my creativity and allow my intuitive process to take over,” she said. “It’s a different kind of expression.”
Two of Holtz’s abstract acrylic paintings — including one she calls “Find Peace Within” — anticipate a peaceful feeling with soft and subtle colors. Both paintings will be displayed at the 38th annual East Suburban Artists League show starting Aug. 5 at Community College of Allegheny County’s Boyce Campus in Monroeville.
“With our crazy world we have right now, peace is one of the things I want to share with people,” Holtz said. “As an active member of the group, I’m excited to see people’s work as they begin to bring it in to the show.”
Holtz is ESAL’s vice president and one of 78 members. She, along with 37 other artists, will display 72 pieces; entrants will bring up to two works of art to be judged.
Submitted artwork ranges from watercolors and acrylics to photography, mixed media and fiber art. Members also entered woodwork as well as glass paintings, all to be displayed through the main entrance hall of the campus.
“We have a lot of variety in the types and styles of artwork that people do,” said the show’s coordinator, Linda Galati.
The opening reception of the show is Aug. 5, with discussions, presentations and judging from 5 to 7 p.m. The show will run throughout the month, ending Sept. 1.
EASL is a nonprofit association of artists from areas east of Pittsburgh, and meets monthly for lectures, forums, panels and critiques.
Robert Huckestein, an award-winning Pittsburgh artist, has done drawing and painting demonstrations for members in the past, but for the show he will be judging their work.
On opening night, Huckestein will evaluate the dozens of entries hung throughout the main entrance hall of the campus, awarding a Best of Show as well as several honorable mentions.
The range in artistic media, Hukestein said, doesn’t make the judging any harder because he looks at the individual design and strength of each entry.
“I look at the use of the medium and how confident the person looks as far as their ability to use that medium,” Hukestein said. “It’s the same technique I use to critique my students, and we go over color, value and design to try and put it all together.”
Many of the artists’ works will be for sale through the entirety of the show.
Christine Manganas is a Tribune-Review contributing writer.
[More about ESAL can be found at their website at ESALart.org]
A list of entries, prices and award winners can be found HERE.
If you go
East Suburban Artists League 38th annual juried members show
5 to 7 p.m. Aug. 5 opening reception; public is invited; show runs until Sept. 1
CCAC Boyce Campus, 595 Beatty Road, Monroeville, PA