Tom Tholen Portrait Demo

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Prepare to be astounded at the East Suburban Artists League (ESAL) September 7 meeting, when this month’s presenter, Tom Tholen, demonstrates his expertise as an extraordinary portrait artist. Tom has spent his varied career working for places such as Disney, Marvel, and Pixar and is an IMDb listed artist. Tom is an experienced educator and is currently in the process of creating his own graphic novel.
Using the minimum of materials, the artist will craft a portrait of an ESAL member, as we view the process unfold before our eyes. With explanations of the techniques and strategies involved, Tom will offer tips for those interested in the challenge of portrait drawing, and inspire those who see the blank page transformed into a human form.
The public is invited! This is a great opportunity to see the art and techniques of this skilled and talented artist.
This free presentation takes place at Christ’s Lutheran Church, 5330 Old Logan Ferry Road, Murrysville, in the lower-level meeting room, on Thursday, September 7, at 6:45 pm.
Members share in an art “Show and Tell” at 6:45 pm. The hour-long program begins at 7:00, with the business meeting beginning immediately after a brief break.
ESAL, composed of photographers and artists working in all media, aims to foster arts and crafts and to educate, inspire and encourage artists and patrons in Pittsburgh’s eastern suburbs.
For more information call Nancy Dalverny at 412-373-0711 or visit