Artificial Intelligence & Art

“Artificial Intelligence & Art” Discussion by East Suburban Artists League​

As if we haven’t enough to consider in this high-tech life, artists will have even more to ponder at the March 2, East Suburban Artists League meeting.

ESAL member, Rob Power, will begin with a brief 10-minute presentation about artificial intelligence-generated art. Then, he will lead a discussion on this controversial topic.

After designer Jason M. Allen’s A.I.-generated piece, “Théâtre D’opéra Spatial,” won a blue ribbon at the Colorado State Fair in 2022, artists became outraged, sparking conversations in authorship, copyright, ethics, and more.

The public is invited to join the discussion of the future impact of artificial intelligence on the visual artist and on all of society.

Members share in an art “Show and Tell” at 6:45 pm. The hour-long program and lively conversation begin at 7:00, with the business meeting beginning immediately after a brief break.

Christ’s Lutheran Church, 5330 Old Logan Ferry Road, Murrysville, in the lower-level meeting room, on Thursday, March 2, at 6:45 pm.

ESAL, composed of photographers and artists working in all media, aims to foster arts and crafts and to educate, inspire and encourage artists and patrons in Pittsburgh’s eastern suburbs.

For more information call Nancy Dalverny at 412-373-0711 or visit